TS Data Master - Field Editor Help (for Version 1.01 04.07.1994) Gadgets and Menus in the Field Editor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Project Menu - - - - - - - Load l - Load the field definitions file Save s - Save the field definitions with the old name Save As a - Save the field definitions with the new name Show Fields o - Show the fields as a list Help y - Give help about the Editor OK O - OK with the definitions and exit to the main program Cancel C - Cancel the definitions and exit The Edit Menu - - - - - - - Insert i - Insert a new field Delete d - Delete the current field Change h - Change the places of two fields Move m - Move the current field to a new place Copy c - Copy the definitions of the current field to another field Clear j - Clear the definitions of the current field Clear All J - Clear all field definitions Sort Incremental z - Sort the fields in alphabetic order Sort Decremental Z - Sort the fields in inversed alphabetic order Gadgets in the message window - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Number of Flds - The number of the fields Field - The current field whose definitions are displayed on the definition window Gadgets in the definition window - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Type - The field type (String, Integer, Float, Type or Boolean) Title - The field title (max. 13 characters) Explonation - The field explonations Text Length - The maximum length of text with string, type and boolean fields Min - The minimum value of a number field Max - The maximum value of a number field Number of Alts - The number of alternative texts Alt. Text No. - The alternative text number Unit - The unit of a number field Gadgets in the file functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory - The open drawer File - The selected file Parent p - Return one drawer back in the root directory Cancel - Exit without any operations Load/Save - Alternatively load or save How to define a database? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1). Call the Data Master (see chapter 4.1). (2). Select the Field Editor Menuitem from the Project Menu. 3. Type the number of the fields in the Number of Fields Gadget and press the key. Now there is the first field of the data- base on the screen and you can start editing it as below is advised. 4. Select the type of the field with the Type Gadget. The possible types are, like earlier, titled 'String', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Type' and 'Boolean'. 5. Enter the field title in the Title Gadget and press 6. Write the field explonation in the Explonation Gadget and press . 7. If the type is string, set the maximum length of the field data by using the Text Length Gadget. 8. If the type is integer or float, ... 8.1. Write the minimum and the maximum values in gadgets Min and Max and confirm with the . If you don't want the limitation, type 'N' in the gadget. Now on this gadget appears a text 'No Min' or 'No Max'. 8.2. Type the field unit in the Unit Gadget. 9. If the type is type or boolean, ... 9.1. Set the maximum length of one piece of text with the Text Length Gadget. 9.2. Determine the number of the alternatives by using the Number of Alts Gadget if the field type is type. 9.3. Select one of the alternative texts with the Alt.Text No Gadget. 9.4. Write the respective text in the string gadget at the right side of the Alt.Text No Gadget and press the key. 9.5. Move to the next alternative text (go back to section 9.3), until all texts are given. 10. Select the next field with the Field Gadget, and go to section 4. 11. After you have defined all fields correctly (remember to confirm definitions with the key), select the OK Menuitem from the Project Menu, and the program returns to the main program. 12. Now the program asks for the estimated number of records, and then the program allocates memory for these. 13. If there wasn't enough memory, the program returns to the section 12. 14. If there was an old database before calling the Editor, the program asks if you want to copy the old database to the new database. If you don't want or if there wasn't any old database, jump to the section 16. 15. Now you are asked if you want that the program copies the old database to the new one considering the field titles. If you answer negatively, this is done so that the data of the old field number x is copied to the new field number x. Otherwise, the program copies only those fields that have same titles in both, old and new, databases. 16. Now the definitions should be ready, and you can start to edit the records itselves...